China’s National Court of Appeal for IPR Cases

The Supreme People’s Court will further accelerate the establishment of a unified court of appeal for the cases in the field of intellectual property. Thus China continues strengthening the protection of IP rights. This step is long overdue because of the sheer volume of IPR trials: in 2017 alone, the specialized IP courts have decided on more than 225.000 cases.

China’s IP courts belong to the level of Intermediate People’s Courts. By now, appeals are heard by the Higher People’s Courts on the provincial level. The experience shows that courts in different cities and provinces oftentimes apply different standards when hearing a case. This means that one and the same case might be decided very differently in Beijing than it would be in Guangzhou. The new IP court of appeal on the national level will solve this problem and increase the transparency and professionalism in protecting the rights of intellectual property in China.

Source: IPR Action China

Picture: APT

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